The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Pyrethrum Board

Tanzania Pyrethrum Board

Pyrethrum Industry Profile

Pyrethrum crop was firstly introduced in Tanzania before Independence for trial in 1932 in Ihemi Iringa. In 1938 the crop started growing by white farmers and later after independence the crop started widely grown by local farmers.

Pyrethrum usage 

Pyrethrum is a natural insecticide derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium flowers, but also in C. coccineum and C. marshalli flowers (members of the daisy or aster family). They are perennial plants with a daisy-like appearance and white flowers. The flowers possess insecticidal properties. Pyrethrum has been used for centuries as an insecticide and as a lice remedy. Because it decomposes rapidly in the environment, pyrethrum has been approved for a wide range of indoor and outdoor uses, including homes, restaurants, broad-scale spraying operations,and organic farms. 

Since it is considered non-synthetic, pyrethrum is allowed in some countries for organic home gardens. Pyrethrum flower extracts can be used against the following pests and diseases (clicking on underlined pests takes you to pests' page): African armyworm, African bollworm, Aphids, Cutworms, Spider mites, Thrips, Whiteflies, Maize stalk borers, Potato jassid

Economic importance

Approximately 12,500 farmers grow pyrethrum in Tanzania whereby pyrethrum industry contributes improvement of the livelihood of the people through direct and indirect employment especially in growing areas.

Growing regions

Pyrethrum crop is grown in Southern Highlands in the regions of Mbeya, Songwe, Njombe and Iringa. The crop is also grown in Northern zone in Manyara and Arusha regions.

Area under Pyrethrum

It is estimated that a total area under pyrethrum ranges between 12,200 to 13,000 acres.


The crop is performing better at the altitude between 1700 to 3000 meters above sea level, the higher the altitude the higher the pyrethrin content. 


Pyrethrum dried flower production ranges between 2,600 to 3,000 tons per annual.

Harvesting period 

Pyrethrum harvesting period from seed is between 7 to 8 months. Depending on weather parameters from different grown areas the harvesting can be done twice per month continuously for at least 10 months per year.                   

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